
AlleyOOP 10’×17′ VariableBounce Rectangular Trampoline with Enclosure

Original price was: $2,899.00.Current price is: $2,499.00.

Mat Area: 85 Square Feet
Weight Rating: 225 lbs
Structural Capacity: 1500 lbs
Weight of unit: 602lbs

1 in stock (can be backordered)

Delivery & Installation Options

Professional installation of any new Trampoline purchase is available. Price assumes location within 40 miles of store and assumes level yard. Mileage and/or leveling fees may apply. See sales associate for details.

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When it comes to quality in both safety and innovation, there is no close second to the new 10′ x 17′ rectangular trampoline from AlleyOop Sports®. It is without a doubt the most superior system in its class.
VariableBounce System

Our patented VariableBounce™ technology is now coupled with our new high-strength 10″ springs to offer you a bounce that is safer, smoother, and livelier than anything you’ve ever felt before. Expect a bounce that will consistently wow you for years down the road. Of course, the supreme value does not stop at the trampoline—our 7′ safety enclosure, with over 15 patented safety and performance innovations, is the strongest rectangular enclosure system known to the trampoline world. With eight, heavy-gauge support poles that are galvanized inside and out and put through an advanced powder coating process, this AlleyOop® enclosure sets the bar for literally everything you’d ever want from a safety enclosure system. Just to make an outstanding thing even better, we’ve also fine-tuned the assembly process to make it even more easy and trouble-free than before.

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