Village Greens


Sitting like a tropical island in the middle of the playground, the Village Greens play apparatus has its very own Leaf Roof to inspire adventurous playtimes. Two waterfalls cascade from the side of the structure. The first is a Wave Slide which features a bump in the middle to add to the sliding experience. The second is a Right Turn Slide that curves to one side and causes children to wobble as they descend. However, before they get to the top deck where the slides start from they must first navigate the Figure Climber. 16 angular holds are arranged in a pattern so kids have a choice of the holds they put their hands and feet in if they’re going to succeed. A Ship’s Wheel is an interactive feature that can be spun around but it also serves a creative purpose as children can pretend to go on all kinds of sailing adventures with their friends.

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Corey Sarah Rick Buddy No Salesperson Assistance

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***Price does not include freight or installation – see store for details***

Age: 2y – 12y
Fall Height: 48″
Use Zone: 27′ 4″ x 27′ 3″
Child Capacity: 18

Meets national standards for

ASTM F1487-17  &  CPSC Guidelines #325